Last Updated on 20/04/2021 by Mandy
As you know, a sustainable kitchen can make a huge impact on your household impact on the environmental, as we spend a lot of time there making, creating and cleaning.
It can create a lot of waste … or it can be an integral part of creating your own cyclical economy in your own home.
We’ve put together our top tips to help you renovate your kitchen to make it into a zero-waste, non-toxic green zone!
- If you have Solar Panels, use your oven and other major kitchen appliances during peak generation times
- Develop your ability to use the produce and supplies you have to cook. The best way we’ve found is to type a couple of ingredients into google and look for recipes that use them – it’s a sure-fire way to cook a meal with exactly what you have on hand
- Make a list of all the consumables you might use – foil, baking paper, patty pans, clingwrap, ziplock bags, plastic bags – and after they are used, replace them with long-lasting alternatives.
Options to help you replace disposal items, with long-lasting kitchen essentials:
1. The Agreena 3 in 1 wrap you can replace your cling wrap, foil and likely more! It’s a “buy once, use many many times” solution for baking and cooking.
2. Reusable Coffee pod packs to stop the polluting with single-use pods and replacing them with reusable versions.
3. Little Mashies for handy storage of leftover food from your kiddies.
4. Reusable teabags – single-use tea bags have plastic in them, so an alternative is the Swag reusable tea bags.
If you prefer to buy biodegradable capsules, have you seen our new Beehive Nespresso Capsule Holders? You can find them in our store here