Healthy – errr Chocolate Mud Mug Cake

Last Updated on 02/12/2019 by Mandy

So as the hubby and I finished up our Sunday Roast just past, we turned to each other and both in sync said we felt like something sweet…I questioned him on what he would want if he could have anything in the world. It was the eve of shopping day, so the fridge and cupboards were bare. There was no chance I could knock anything together at 8pm with minimal ingredients (or so I thought). But I asked the question was just for my entertainment lol.

His response:


Instantly I began to drool, as if I was on a life saving mission I was getting myself some Chocolate Mud Cake & that was that! Oh and for the hubby too of course. 😉

So I turned to my old friend Google….I vaguely remembered a friend sharing on Facebook a recipe for a Chocolate Mud Mug Cake but for the life of me couldn’t remember who and if it was last week or last year. I came across so many recipes but all were so unhealthy and all had around 1300 Calouries EEEEK. My mantra repeated in my head: “Once on the lips, forever on the hips”. So my mission was now to create my own healthy-err Chocolate Mud Mug Cake using every day ingredients from my cupboard and fridge. Let’s just put it this way…It was so AMAZING I had to share it with the world.

Green Bubz Chocolate Mud Mug Cake

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes – Cooking Time: 1 Minute 15 seconds – Total Calories 937Chocolate Mud Mug Cake

1 Egg
4 Tbsp Wholemeal Self Raising Flour 4 Tbsp Stevia
3 Tbsp Cacao
3 Tbsp Nutella Spread (I used dark chocolate, chia, sesame & nut spread)
3 Tbsp Milk
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil

Add all ingredients together in a Mug and whisk with a fork until well and truly combined. Place in the microwave for anywhere between 1 minute & 1 minute & 30 seconds depending on your microwave. 1 minute 15 was perfect for ours. Once removed a perfect accompaniment for this is cream or ice cream. So there you have it! A super quick and not so calorie packed Chocolate Mud Mug Cake. Try it and come back and comment on how it went for you.

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