The Foam Roller Posture Pole: Improve Your Posture and Strengthen Your Core

Last Updated on 10/12/2021 by Mandy

If you are looking for a way to improve your posture and strengthen your core, then a Foam Roller or Posture Pole is just what you need!

What is a Posture Pole?

A Posture Pole is a device that is designed to improve your posture. It is a simple metal or wooden pole that you can use to help you stay upright and aligned.

How does a Posture Pole work?

The Posture Pole works by providing support and reminding you to keep your spine straight. When you are using the Posture Pole, it will help keep your head and neck in alignment, and will also help to elongate your spine. This can help to improve your overall posture.

Who should use a Posture Pole?

Anyone who wants to improve their posture can use a Posture Pole. It is especially helpful for people who have bad posture habits, or for those who spend a lot of time sitting or standing in one position.

Can Posture Poles help relieve pain?

Some people find that using a Posture Pole can help to relieve neck and back pain. It can also help to improve circulation and reduce fatigue.

Are Posture Poles safe?

Yes, Posture Poles are generally safe to use. However, it is always important to consult with your doctor before using any new device or treatment.

Foam Rolling Stretching Techniques

Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) stretching technique that has been embraced throughout the fitness industry.

A recent study found that those who used a foam rolling device had an improvement in their spinal curves. This can mean less pain and more energy! The best part about using this product is that it’s simple enough to do at home or office. You will also feel better knowing that by improving your posture, you’re helping prevent serious diseases such as osteoporosis. We hope we can give you a few tips to help inform you of how the Posture Pole (or foam rollers) can help you lead a healthier life!

More and more people are presenting to Chiropractic clinics, suffering muscle tightness and neck pain due to chronic postural issues such as: spending too long sitting in front of a computer, excessive viewing of television, carrying your baby around and/or excessive mobile phone use. Such habits can be the start of serious postural problems and structural issues later in life. It is not enough to see a masseur to release the tension in your neck and shoulders. Over time you will notice the range of motion you are able to do will decrease. See the diagram below:

(5 phases of neck curvature: 1, represents complete reversal of cervical lordosis, placing maximum pressure on the neck. 3, straightening of cervical lordosis, causing forward head carriage. 5, optimal cervical lordosis, least amount of pressure on neck)

The first step is awareness, the next step is looking for a solution.

Most people buy a shoulder brace online, to hold their shoulders back, but these don’t work if you have a forward head position. Shoulder braces don’t work on someone with a forward head position! They just make your head feel heavier. You need to strengthen and LENGTHEN the muscles of your neck and shoulders.

Where can I buy a Posture Pole?

There are several types of rollers and posture poles available online from eBay & Amazon:

Invest in foam rollers for posture correction, pilates and fitness training. There are half and full rollers available in a variety of sizes (30, 45, 60  or 90cm). The longest ones (60-90cm) are best for posture correction.

Your body will thank you as it is one of the things you can do yourself, without relying on the chiro or masseur to fix you up!

It is an essential part of your home gym setup.

Posture Pole

Half Roller

Fortress Half Roller

Stotts Half Roller


Half Roller




Amazon AU

Amazon AU






What is a foam roller used for?

The purpose of the foam roller is to improve your posture and reduce tension in the neck, jaw, shoulders and lower back. Use foam rollers to eliminate trigger points and relax muscles. Foam rollers are really just a tool used as a substitute for the hands, elbows and forearms of the massage therapist. The roller is used to locate trigger points and then apply direct rolling pressure to those trigger points to help them release.
A half-roller can help improve flexibility by elongating muscles while also working out pressure points within them. It may also feel therapeutic when doing deep tissue massage because foam rollers are made from materials such as PVC pipe or dense rubber foam. 
Who can use this: almost everyone. With regular use, doing simple stretches on the roller may help realign spinal joints, re-fresh muscles and ease the tension of a ‘forward head posture’ the common postural dysfunction.
The ‘posture pole’ is an Australian designed product, using a foam roller, which when implemented properly can be used to improve the structural alignment of your spine, therefore improving your posture. It is illustrated below.

How does one use the posture pole? With an in-built texture pad at the top to rest your head on, lie vertically along the pole with your hip and knees bent in a sit-up position and both arms resting by your side with palms facing the ceiling. Simply lie in this resting position for 5-10mins (or as prescribed by your health practitioner) to achieve desired results. See below for an in-depth review.

  • Light-weight and easily storable
  • More gentle than typical foam rollers
  • Ability to perform intermediate and advanced core exercises while using the posture pole
  • Assists with relieving postural stress
  • Lengthens and straightens the spine
  • Reduces muscle tension and spasm
  • Promotes deep breathing by opening the chest
  • Enhances relaxation
  • Durable, made with long-lasting material
  • Cannot be used to specifically target tight muscles/fascia like a foam roller
  • Not recommended during acute traumatic injuries

Since using the posture pole “I am not as tense in my shoulders and upper back.. I feel better.. I can breathe better.. I feel more relaxed”.

Posture Pole & Foam Roller Exercises

Watch this video to see how Today Tonight tests the Posture Pole.

Seeing a Chiropractor for an assessment and realignment will help too.   Doing the below exercises at home will ease pain and increase mobility in your neck and shoulders.

Starting position:
  • Sit down on the posture pole so it is lined up the full length of your back
  • Gently lay along the pole so that your head is fully supported
  • Tuck your chin into a neutral position
  • Let your shoulders relax and your palms face upward

Level 1: Postural stretch

  • Relax for 5-10m, repeat 1-2 times daily

Level 2: Legs up

  • Gently raise one foot so your lower leg is horizontal
  • Hold for 20 sec while remaining still
  • Repeat 3x for each leg
  • To make it more challenging try both legs at the same time, repeat x 3

Level 3: Pelvic lift

  • Slowly raise your bottom off the pole until your body is in a straight line
  • Gently lower your body down, do not hold the position
  • Repeat 5x times

Mayo Clinic Think Snow Angel exercise 1 min video: Amazon Round Rollers (30, 45, 60  or 90cm)

Which books have exercises for a foam roller?

The Foam Roller Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain & Mobility by Ellen Lange,

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: A self-treatment guide for pain relief by Clair Davies, Ken Floyd and David G. Simons

The Half Roller Exercise Book: A Complete Guide To Rolling For Pain Relief is an excellent guidebook that will provide everything needed in order to properly use a foam roller! It even includes 100 different stretches so people of all shapes and ages can get what they need from the foam roller. It provides pictures and illustrations of each exercise to help show how they’re done. This is great if you need a visual aid or are just starting with these exercises.

This book includes detailed instructions for many different types of half-foam rolling exercises – from basic ones like sitting cross-legged while pressing down on one’s thighs with their arms, all the way up to kneeling rollers where we have our hands in prayer position behind us then use our palms to press down on our lower back and butt.

Many of these exercises are done sitting in a chair or lying down, so it will be easier for people who have limited mobility to do them without feeling like they’re putting themselves in too much pain.

To enhance the benefits further, try meditating (with or without an app like Smiling Minds) while on the posture pole. This activity is best done just before you go to bed, to undo the day’s pressures of gravity and stress, and to prepare you for better sleep – you’ll notice the difference.

The model is using a 45 cm version).
Check eBay for deals:

Posture Workbook : Free Yourself From Back, Neck And Shoulder Pain With The Alexander Technique: Carolyn Nicholls is the founder and Head of Training at the Brighton Alexander Technique College, UK and a national advisor on clinical trials on back pain.